
Welcome to the fanlisting for the relationship between Sagara Sousuke & Chidori Kaname from the light novel and anime/manga series, Full Metal Panic! He is an elite mercenary who goes undercover as a high school student to guard a certain high school girl. She is the fierce and outspoken student who is secretly being targeted by dangerous organizations who wish to extract the Black Technology information she subconsciously harbors as a Whispered. All hell breaks loose as Sousuke tries to contain both the real threats and the everyday dangers of high school. Amidst the chaos of their complicated situation, they slowly begin to grow close as they fight to survive each crazy day together ♥


  • Last updated: March 03, 2025
  • Members: 7 (+0) fans in 3 countries

A fanlisting is simply an online list of fans of a subject. They are created by fans and dedicated to uniting the fans worldwide. This fanlisting supports all aspects of their relationship, and is listed at The Anime Fanlisting Network. Please join this fanlisting to show your support for Sousuke & Kaname

Sibling Sites
Whispered: the Full Metal Panic! fanlisting One Man Force: Sagara Sousuke (FMP!) fanlisting


This fanlisting has two different layouts for you to choose from ★

 Version 2: Fighting Boy Meets Girl  Version 1: Always, Stand by Me


Guardian Angel has been online since December 2016, and is maintained by Annie. This is just a fansite, no copyright infringement intended.